Rick is 60 years old and currently resides in his room in the Smith house. In the garage, he works on his inventions and scientific formulas and tests them out, traveling to other dimensions, building various robots and devices, and causing general mayhem in different parts of the universe. Rick is regarded as the smartest man in the universe which enables him to make all of his inventions. However due to Rick's alcoholic nature he has a jaded outlook on life but he is not as heartless as he is somestimes precieved.
Not much is known about Rick's life before his current state seen in the show except for a few things that have been vaguely mentioned in the series. It has been mentioned multiple times that Rick has been absent from the family for at least fourteen years and it wasn't until about just over a month before the events of the Pilot episode when Rick finally returned to the Smith house on the date of January 15 (start of seson 1). The reason for his absence is unknown to the rest of the family.